
Do you have a dream so crazy and big it scares the hell out of you?

I do.

I want to write a book about pursuing dreams and passions, and to become a speaker on that topic.

That’s quite ambitious, I know. But I see nothing wrong about big, audacious, and shameless dreams. In fact, I find them fascinating.

This blog, Big Bold Heart, is basically me taking a shot at my dream to see if I can pull it off.

This is my practice writing.

This contains the raw, messy, and lousy first draft of my book.

If it is so raw and messy and lousy, then why am I showing it to the world?

For these three reasons:

1. I don’t know how long it will take for my book to get published or if it will ever come into being. In the meantime, sharing its would-be contents here might just inspire someone already.

2. To see if all the universe will conspire to help me achieve what I want if I put myself out there and show up consistently to do the work. If it doesn’t, then I need to have a word with Mr. Paolo Coelho.

3. To make you say, “Hey, if this girl with crude talents is letting herself be seen and heard, then what the heck am I doing hiding in my cocoon? I’d better be off sharing my work and chasing my dreams, too!”

My name is Lyn, and I am delighted to connect with you and have you onboard my journey.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your time and attention.

